Wednesday, April 10, 2013


One of the lingering questions I have from our reading of Maria is why would this have been published when it was clearly in an unfinished state? With Kubla Khan Coelridge was able to create an end to the poem that overall gave t a cohesive message; here the lack of ending serves to only create confusion. Without a clear eding the various potential messages of the work are in a state of flux, which overall detracts from the work as a whole.

1 comment:

  1. I feel a little funny about Maria. The thing with Coleridge, is he published Kubla Khan himself. I'm glad that it was published, but I can't help feeling that she would have been a little embarrassed if she had known her work would be published in an unfinished state. That being said, there are obvious allegorical meanings one could get, paralleling the unfinished state of the work to the unfinished progress of woman's rights during her time.
