Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Mirrored Characters and Obsession with Life

While reading Frankenstein I noticed Victor's constant need to create life. No set back will stop this ambitious need. The fact that this is a horror story speaks a lot about his actions as well. His self centered, single minded desire to accomplish this leads to the deaths of people he loves and much more. Another interesting thing to note is that The Creature is also obsessed with creation. He becomes a reflection of Victor's selfishness; he will do anything to get Victor to create a mate for him. Their lives parallel each other; they are both outcasts who are barely living in the first place; forced to observe life rather than to live it themselves. That is a bleak existence and I can see why someone would want to have a companion to push away the loneliness. Victor, however, had a wife; If he wanted, they could have just had a child and created life the old fashioned way.

1 comment:

  1. I was really interested in your comment that the creature is like Victor, obsessed with creation. I think that the creature is primarily obsessed with creation, because at his core it is one of the only shared experiences he has with the strangers around him, although obviously his creation was entirely different from all others. The idea of creation becomes therefore all consuming, a constant source of shame, and for part of the novel, hope. Hope that someone like him could be created. Unfortunately, like you mentioned, they parallel each other in their loneliness, especially at Victor is the only person the creature had a relationship with, one of creation but also suffering.
