Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Kuble Khan is Hotel California

While I was reading "Kubla Khan" the song, "Hotel California," by The Eagles came to mind.  There is something reminiscent about the melancholy acceptance of the dangerous desire of Kubla Khan that feels similar to Hotel California.  Coleridge's vision of the garden is very similar to the etherial feeling of the hotel.  Both are places the writer desires in a very frantic way, but both know it is not healthy for them.  The realization of the personal destruction of the writer from these two places is both lifesaving and helpful to the reader, but the feeling of longing to return is always in the air.  When I hear Hotel California I always wonder why a person would leave such a lovely place, but then the actual meaning of the words kick in and I can understand both his desire to be there and his reluctance to leave.  The garden of Kubla Khan is a wonderfully, enticingly, mesmerizing place that draws you in and dares you to leave, just like the hotel.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting post! I never thought of such a interesting parallel. Now that I'm thinking about it your correct in the similarities between both poem and song, having vices that they can't stop and being trapped in a world that's beautiful but ultimately destroys them from the mind.
